Akatsuki (暁, Dawn), known as Akatsuki Academy, was a team of Blazers consisting of members of the seven Mage-Knight Academies who participated in the 62nd Seven Stars Sword Art Festival.
Akatsuki was formed by Bakuga Tsukikage, the current Prime Minister of Japan, as apart of his plan to prove Japan as a superior nation able to leave the League of Mage-Knight Nations. To that end, he recruited seven students who were connected to the Underworld and Rebellion from the individual Mage-Knight Schools who had become representatives of their respective schools to then dominate the 62nd Seven Stars Sword Art Festival as the students of Akatsuki Academy.
Aside from their primary members, there has appeared to be multiple affiliated and associates working together with the team, including one of the Numbers from Rebellion, Wallenstein; and even the one is known as the World's Strongest Swordsman, Twin Wings, Edelweiss, who owed a favor to Rebellion's Leader, Adam Goetia, who acted as "teachers".
The main members were meant to act as the eighth Mage-Knight Academy, Akatsuki Academy, after defeating all the representatives of Hagun Academy to prove themselves, however, this failed as their member who infiltrated Hagun Academy, Nagi Arisuin, decided to betray them sided with the friends that he had made. The main goal of Akatsuki to dominate the current Seven Stars Sword Art Festival failed after their members were soon defeated including their strongest A-Ranked Blazers Ouma Kurogane and Amane Shinomiya lost against Stella Vermillion and Ikki Kurogane respectively in the semi-finals.
Name | Rank | Nickname | School | Status |
Ouma Kurogane | A | Sword Emperor of Wind | Bukyoku Academy | Active |
Amane Shinomiya | A | Bad Luck | Kyomon Academy | Active |
Sara Bloodlily | A | Bloody Da Vinci | Rokuson Academy | Active |
Reisen Hiraga | B | Puppeteer | Bunkyoku Academy | Active |
Yui Tatara | B | The Unturning | Donrou Academy | Active |
Rinna Kazamatsuri | C | Beast Master | Rentei Academy | Active |
Nagi Arisuin | D | Black Thorn | Hagun Academy | Defected |