Kaito prepares to pass his skils to Ayase
Kaito listening to Ayase quote her mother
Kaito training Ayase and his students
Kaito confronting Kuraudo for what he has done to his students
Kaito accepts Kuraudo's challenge
Kaito will never forgive Kuraudo for what he has done
Kaito gets ready as he is about to fight Kuraudo
Kaito gains the first point
Kaito is hit as Kuraudo gains the second point
Kaito tells Ayase not to interfere
Kaito's elderly body can not take the Ten'i Muhou
Kaito about to use the Ten'i Muhou
Kaito is taken down by Kuraudo
Kaito held by his daughter
Kaito unconscious as Kuraudo tells his daughter that the dojo no longer belong to him